Who we are:

Wine Industry Suppliers Association Inc. (WISA) is a collective of grape and wine industry suppliers, leaders and influencers. It is the peak national, not for profit, industry Association representing suppliers to the Australian grape and wine sector. Its members are active and committed to adding value to the grape and wine community.

Incorporated in 2000, WISA has grown to become a strong and relevant body. It offers a number of industry inclusive and accessible initiatives to assist suppliers and grape and wine producers to make easier and more meaningful connections, share and communicate knowledge and to cultivate their businesses for success.


What We Do: 

WISA champions supply chain for the wine sector.

We work collaboratively with our supplier members and grape and wine producer associate members to improve and impact the capability and competitiveness of Australian wine production.                                         

  • WISA makes an impact in the grape and wine community.
  • WISA makes an impact for its members.
  • WISA promotes and creates real-world connections.
  • WISA drives industry communication and advocacy.

As an active Association, we aim to protect the reputation and improve the desirability of Australian wine in an ever increasing competitive and sophisticated global marketplace. We are committed to supporting a cohesive and integrated supply chain that can develop and commercialise innovation to improve the profitability and sustainability of Australia's grape and wine sector.

How We Deliver:

WISA provides the platforms and tools for the Australian grape and wine sector to maximise industry knowledge and resources in order to realise its full potential as a leading global wine supplier.

  • WISA outwardly and actively engages across the industry.
  • WISA works jointly with other key industry bodies and organisations.
  • WISA has an active voice in setting industry policy and priorities including research. Its members gain easier and greater access to industry knowledge and requirements.
  • WISA connects members, improves awareness of challenges and opportunities and facilitates extension of innovation.

As an accessible and inclusive organisation, our initiatives and membership are open to both industry supplier and grape and wine producer organisations.